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Ural State University of Railway Transport

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Summer School Wildau at USURT


21-25 July professors Frank Gillert and Gerbert Sonntag from Technical University of Applied Sciences of Wildau came to USURT to give lectures in the frames of summer school. This program was organized by “World Economics and Logistics” department for 3rd, 5th year students studying logistics. Students got theoretical knowledge and also had a chance to practice their skills in case studies.

Professors also had a very interesting culture program. They visited museum of musical instruments, national park “Olenyi ruchyi”, Monastery Ganina Yama, monument Europe – Asia, walked around the city center. Traditionally they planted a tree of friendship at University Park.

We’ve asked professors about their impressions from this summer school. Here are their answers.

International Department: What are your impressions from USURT and its students?

Frank Gillert: I felt that the students are highly associated with USURT. You can see this e.g. in the park area, where the students have built small gardens with specific themes. It was also very positive that so many students came to our lectures voluntarily. Gerbert Sonnatg: USURT is like a campus university in a green zone established. The students are concentrated during the lectures and curious for new styles of interactive lecturing.

Int.Dep.: How was it to teach our students?

F.G. : It was a great experience teaching Russian students in English with all the related challenges for both of us. Also in terms of obviously different styles of teaching.

G.S.: The students are concentrated during the lectures and curious for new styles of interactive lecturing.

Int.Dep.: What was the most difficult during teaching?

F.G.: To get the feedback whether all the points were understood by the students. I am sure next time they will be more proactive in discussion during lectures.

G.S.: Most of the students are a little bit shy. It could be also the anxious about the foreign language.

Int.Dep.: What did you like most during lectures?

F.G.: I liked the presentation of the case study which has brought all the content of the lectures together. I recognized that my leaning targets could be met.

G.S.: I like this concentrated behavior and the will to follow also the quantitative tasks.

Int.Dep.: Did you like Ekaterinburg, what did you remember most of all?

F.G.: Of course the platform of Vysotsky tower. A great view on the city. But also the side events with all the amazing colleagues form USURT.

G.S.: It was a beautiful week and I discovered a lot of impressions in Ekaterinburg and surrounding area. A lot of open minded young people in international fashion style.

Int.Dep.: Do you have any plans concerning cooperation with USURT?

F.G.: I would like to come back for lectures at some point. I also will strive for project ideas with the colleagues in regard with Russian and German companies.

G.S.: We are looking for further exchange of lecturer and later on also students. Would help, if we had more support from companies.

We’ve also asked for feedbacks from students. Here are some of them.

“…I visited lectures with great pleasure! Teachers from Germany explained everything very clearly and properly. We had a warm and friendly atmosphere and I have only positive impressions…” V. Shaburova, MTl-311.

“…Knowledge I got will be useful in the future education and work. Collaboration with foreign professors lets to get knowledge in the sphere of logistics considering European experience…” Tatyana Simahina, L-510

“…I would like to say that those lectures have been unusual. Personally for me it was first time of training in foreign language. I had a feeling that I was abroad…” Artyom Shalmaev, L-510.

Well it was a great experience for our students and a new challenge for German colleagues. Both sides hope to repeat it and make it even more exciting!